There sure is a lot of reading involved to prepare for one of these upgrades!
I've got a Toshiba SD-H400 that's froze on me about 5 times this week, have to remove power and reboot... so I'm thinking it's time for a new HDD.. Going to use the WeaKness DIY upgrade path and break the size-barrier on the Toshiba ... cool...
Okay, now to my question.
I've only got a laptop for a PC, not a minitower or anything else anymore. I was hoping that I could use some IDE-USB external enclosure adapters to mount the old and new drives under the WK upgrade CD, but at first glance this does not look to be an option...
Can anyone provide any details on this one? I may have enough old parts laying around in the garage to scrap together a computer long enough to do the upgrade with standard internal IDE ports, but if I can do this with USB adapters I think it would be more convenient for me...
I've got a Toshiba SD-H400 that's froze on me about 5 times this week, have to remove power and reboot... so I'm thinking it's time for a new HDD.. Going to use the WeaKness DIY upgrade path and break the size-barrier on the Toshiba ... cool...
Okay, now to my question.
I've only got a laptop for a PC, not a minitower or anything else anymore. I was hoping that I could use some IDE-USB external enclosure adapters to mount the old and new drives under the WK upgrade CD, but at first glance this does not look to be an option...
Can anyone provide any details on this one? I may have enough old parts laying around in the garage to scrap together a computer long enough to do the upgrade with standard internal IDE ports, but if I can do this with USB adapters I think it would be more convenient for me...