First - Weaknees rocks.
OK, so I have a bad Series 2 and Tivo HD.
I purchased a new hard drive for each from Weaknees.
I have not opened them up yet. Can I make a backup of the hard SATA drive using MSFlive (or your tool) then then copy that onto (one of the many) bare IDE drives I have? thus saving me the cost of one drive?
This would mean that the software that came pre-installed could be used for either the Series 2 or Tivo HD?
Also, if I kept a copy of this backup, then I'm assuming I would save myself this pain if (when) I lose a drive in the future?
First - Weaknees rocks.
OK, so I have a bad Series 2 and Tivo HD.
I purchased a new hard drive for each from Weaknees.
I have not opened them up yet. Can I make a backup of the hard SATA drive using MSFlive (or your tool) then then copy that onto (one of the many) bare IDE drives I have? thus saving me the cost of one drive?
This would mean that the software that came pre-installed could be used for either the Series 2 or Tivo HD?
Also, if I kept a copy of this backup, then I'm assuming I would save myself this pain if (when) I lose a drive in the future?