TiVo tech newbie. Apologies if I posted in the wrong forum.
Original 80GB Maxtor Diamondmax drive in a Toshiba SD-H400 Series 2 is almost dead. Not running Linux anywhere, but had at some point done a device copy (sector-by-sector copy) to an image file.
I understand that there is some sort of capacity lock on the SD-H400. Is that physical or hours of programming? That is must the image be restored to another 80GB drive - or is a handy larger drive OK to use. (Not trying to increase the number of hours here...)
TiVo tech newbie. Apologies if I posted in the wrong forum.
Original 80GB Maxtor Diamondmax drive in a Toshiba SD-H400 Series 2 is almost dead. Not running Linux anywhere, but had at some point done a device copy (sector-by-sector copy) to an image file.
I understand that there is some sort of capacity lock on the SD-H400. Is that physical or hours of programming? That is must the image be restored to another 80GB drive - or is a handy larger drive OK to use. (Not trying to increase the number of hours here...)