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GXCEB0T Upgrade: Leave Phone Unplugged?

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  • GXCEB0T Upgrade: Leave Phone Unplugged?

    I'm thinking about upgrading my series 1 GXCEB0T using a Weaknees kit. I noticed on another upgrade site that with their kits they recommend not plugging in the phone line after an upgrade.

    That company (which does "dvrupgrades" ) says that something special had to be done to the software to make it recognize a large hard drive. And if DirecTV pushes out a software update it might overwrite that change and the large drive would no longer be recognized. And as we know, leaving the phone line unplugged would keep the update from being authorized and it wouldn't be installed.

    I don't see where Weaknees says anything about this. Is this something I should be concerned about? Should I leave my new Weaknees upgraded unit unplugged?

    First of all, is it a fact that something had to be altered by the upgrade company to get the Tivo series 1 software to recognize a large drive?

    And if it is a fact, what are the chances that DirecTV would even come out with an update for series 1? I know they updated for the DST change but if there was another little change like that would it affect anything?

  • #2
    We don't do that, or recommend that, at all. Our units are totally able to dial in, get new software updates, and continue to work.

    Our drives do NOT have altered software.
    Been here a long time . . .

