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After Upgrade -- Second Drive Not Recognized

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  • After Upgrade -- Second Drive Not Recognized

    I just replaced a 40gb drive in a Series 2 TiVo unit with a Seagate 300gb drive from WeaKnees. (The unit would not boot up after being shipped cross-country -- stuck in various stages of booting up, including green screen.) There is a second 160gb drive that does not appear to be reflected in the capacity -- 396 hours for the new drive only.

    I first tried to install the new drive as a master with the second as a slave but could not get the new drive to boot up (gray screen -- just a few more minutes), so I switched it back. Can you tell me what the proper "pin" placement would be for the Seagate as a master? Or offer other advice?

    Also, the new drive is noisy. Even if you can solve this problem, should it be shipped back and replaced? T.

  • #2
    You need to use mfstools to attach that drive to the new A drive, or we can do it. Info to do it yourself is here:
    Been here a long time . . .

