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SWM with Splitter

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  • SWM with Splitter

    Can I use the SWM with any splitter to distribute to up to 4 receivers?

    I have a Leviton 1x4 2Ghz splitter that I want to use but it says that it is only up to 2050 Ghz. Will this splitter still work?



  • #2
    No! You need a SWM splitter, which passes 2Mhz. See:


    • #3
      I want to know i have the slim Dish. on which port does the cable have to be plug in to. since there is four slots. im trying to do the swm style for the one cable. i have the 4port swm and the power inverter pi-21. need help. right now were using a multiswitch with the four cable


      • #4
        Originally posted by dabuddyhenry View Post
        I want to know i have the slim Dish. on which port does the cable have to be plug in to. since there is four slots. im trying to do the swm style for the one cable. i have the 4port swm and the power inverter pi-21. need help. right now were using a multiswitch with the four cable
        I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you are asking. If you have a SWM dish, there is no "4 port SWM." IF you have a SWM8 module, then there is no PI21.


        • #5
          i have a multi switch now hooked up. im trying to install the pi-21 coverter with the swm switch that has one in and 4 outs( one of the out1 goes to the power converter.) trying to find out on the lnb(dish) were do i plug in the cable. or is there software that i need. to run the single wire setup


          • #6
            Originally posted by dabuddyhenry View Post
            i have a multi switch now hooked up. im trying to install the pi-21 coverter with the swm switch that has one in and 4 outs( one of the out1 goes to the power converter.) trying to find out on the lnb(dish) were do i plug in the cable. or is there software that i need. to run the single wire setup

            lets start over on this ....

            please state the type of dish you have ... need to know swm or regular ... the swm dish has only 1 output on the lnb.... the regular (non swm) has 4 outputs on the lnb...

            also .... is this the new hd dtv dish ... slimline????????

            the switch you have ... what are the markings on it ... type ... model ... name ....

            this might get us started on it ....
            Last edited by ebmsjml; 06-20-2010, 11:14 AM.


            • #7
              That's a splitter, not a switch

              Originally posted by dabuddyhenry View Post
              i have a multi switch now hooked up. im trying to install the pi-21 coverter with the swm switch that has one in and 4 outs( one of the out1 goes to the power converter.) trying to find out on the lnb(dish) were do i plug in the cable. or is there software that i need. to run the single wire setup
              You have a swm4 splitter, to be used with a Swim dish (not what you have) or off a swim multiswitch (what you need). Get the swim8 multiswitch and conect your four LNB's lines to ports 1-4 (5 and 6 or not used). the switch should come with a power inserter and you plug the power side to the RED swim1 port and the IRD side to your Swim4 splitter. Hook up your receivers and do a red button reset.

