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Explorer 8240HDC Troubleshooting

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  • Explorer 8240HDC Troubleshooting

    I appear to be running Passport software and Time Warner is my cable provider in the Raleigh, NC area. (The boot up screen says Mystro, is that a TWC OEM of Passport?)

    This is a new unit I got from TWC and I wanted to upgrade the capacity. So I checked with Weaknees and they said that they've had multiple successful reports of their Scientific Atlanta upgrade working in my area.

    I didn't have instructions to follow so I pulled the power on the 8240 and connected the drive. It was definitely recognized because once the unit started up the DVR prompted me to format the drive. Unfortunately, after approving the format I didn't have any increase in available space. (Assuming my percentage is accurate.)

    Shutting off the external drive does nothing. Restarting the external drive causes the DVR to pause for a few seconds, although it then resumes with no further messages.

    Any ideas? Any ideas on how to get into a diagnostic menu? Google seemed to indicate holding the select button until a letter icon appears and then the info button. Which almost worked: I get the letter icon, but no menu after pressing info.

    I hate to give up on this because the port is clearly active. But I'm at a loss for what to do next.

    Thanks for any tips,


  • #2
    Try just recording several hours of programming with the external connected, and see if the indicator of available space changes either way. I'm not too sure that that gets updated as frequently as it should.
    Been here a long time . . .


    • #3
      Unfortunately, no. I've tried to just let the system run several times. Still no change in capacity.

      I've tried booting the DVR with the drive attached, booting without it attached and then connected it, and just letting it run.

      It's very frustrating, because it's obviously recognizing the port and the drive because of the message about formatting the drive. But I just can't seem to get it to include that drive's space for saving shows.


      • #4
        Generally, if it's not SARA, it's possible that you have an active port, but the cable box doesn't support an external drive.


        • #5
          SA 8240HDC breakups

          Hi Michael,

          I’ve got an SA 8240 HDC running SARA on Cox Cable in Green Valley, AZ. I connected the 1 TB WeaKnees drive with no problems. The problem I’m having is that I get random and frequent breakups/pixelation and audio drops, as many as 28 every hour on my recordings. These breakups last about a second and sometimes come in clusters of 2 or 3. The TV works fine on this box.

          My voltage when tested varied about .8 v from 120.2 to 121v. The internal drive worked fine before connecting this drive which is the second one from you guys. The first one was replaced for the same problem.

          Do you have any suggestions as to how I can make this thing work? Thanks for your help.



          • #6
            Originally posted by gailw View Post
            Hi Michael,

            I’ve got an SA 8240 HDC running SARA on Cox Cable in Green Valley, AZ. I connected the 1 TB WeaKnees drive with no problems. The problem I’m having is that I get random and frequent breakups/pixelation and audio drops, as many as 28 every hour on my recordings. These breakups last about a second and sometimes come in clusters of 2 or 3. The TV works fine on this box.

            My voltage when tested varied about .8 v from 120.2 to 121v. The internal drive worked fine before connecting this drive which is the second one from you guys. The first one was replaced for the same problem.

            Do you have any suggestions as to how I can make this thing work? Thanks for your help.

            I'd suggest that you send us an email directly so that we can try to get to the bottom of your issue.

