Sorry for the long post - We recently made the switch from standard definition to High Def with DTV. I kept my two trusty DTV TIVO's (upgraded by Weaknees of course) and hesitantly went to the DTV DRV HR22/100 which was what they were offering in January 2010. I knew it wasn't a tivo so I did not have real high expectations. However here is the problems I have : During play back of previously recorded shows we get pauses and pixelation/freezes at least once or twice on each show we watch. This has happened since we got it. In the last month it has gotten to where it doesn't respond always to remote functions or responds slowly. (I have tried resetting it with the red button and completely unplugging it.) About 3 weeks ago I added a 1.5 Terrabyte DVR Expander from apricorn via the esata cable. Hooked up without a hitch and worked just like the old drive - then 3/3/10 the DVR all of a sudden restarted itself, and deleted all of our shows, season passes, custom channel lists, etc - everything. So we started over reset everything (I also set my trusty tivo to record the show I wanted to see in case this happened again ) . Now3/5/10 some time in the middle of the night it did it again. Reset itself and deleted everything including season passes, etc. Is the a problem with the DVR itself or is it due to the external drive attached? For now I have disconnected the external drive and will wait and see but wanted to know if anyone else had any of these problems and if I should go through the hassle of getting DTV to send me a new box before my 3 month (not to confident in their product) warranty goes out.
Thanks to anyone that can help.
Thanks to anyone that can help.
