I just got my brand new HR23 1.5 terra byte and hooked it up and discovered I cannot receive a HD picture. After 2 hours on the phone with DirectTV tech support, it was determined that the unit was defective. I noticed a no return policy on activated receivers
So what am I supposed to do?
I hooked up my old receiver and got the HD channels just fine. If Weaknees will not take this brand new receiver back because I had it activated, which was only to discover it does not work, I wonder what my options are. Does weaknees perform repairs to recievers which likely have a manufactures defect? Is it possible that weaknees caused this defect when they replaced the drive with a bigger capacity one? I spent $599 and for what? Lastly, if I am truly on my own here I would like to know if anyone knows if the 1.5 terra byte drive installed in my HR23 will work in my older HR20 receiver? If so how hard is it to just swap the drives? In a worst case scenerio I could end up with the same older receiver but with a newer 1.5 terra byte drive. I wont like having to keep and continue to use the old receiver but at least it will have a larger capacity if this works and I wont be totally SOL. Please advise.
