I would like to FTP to pull/put files. More pull
then probably will upgrade HD to larger, purchase Rowmote and can not connect with it either (iphone remote software for apple tv)
I have a Apple TV (Stock for now) on local network.
I have tried multiple ways to FTP to it.
I have Mac dual 2g, G5 powermac, apple tv 160g, 3.0.1v,
Network is netgears, one router, a few switchs and extreme hanging off but apple tv and mac on hard wire
then probably will upgrade HD to larger, purchase Rowmote and can not connect with it either (iphone remote software for apple tv)
I have a Apple TV (Stock for now) on local network.
I have tried multiple ways to FTP to it.
I have Mac dual 2g, G5 powermac, apple tv 160g, 3.0.1v,
Network is netgears, one router, a few switchs and extreme hanging off but apple tv and mac on hard wire