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After new hard drive, TIVO cannot detect input

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  • After new hard drive, TIVO cannot detect input

    My old hard drive died, so I bought a new hard drive and put it in.

    Setup felt a little different. The pictures looked a little different. Setup asked if I had a cable box, but did not ask me critical questions about that. Once I said that I had a cable box and digital cable, it did NOT ask what channel my cable box puts out. Eventually it asks "can you see video behind this message" and I say "no" because nothing is there. It tells me to check all the connections and then gives up, directing me to a dead link on the Tivo website for help.

    It never tried to help me set up the IR blaster. When I later try to set up my IR blaster explicitly, I get directed to go to a place in the menus where I currently am.

    I know the electrical connection is good, because if the Tivo is turned off, the RF signal passes from my cable box passively into the Tivo's "RF IN" and then to "RF OUT" and right into my TV, which views whatever the cable box is spitting out over its channel 3.

    It feels like some piece of the software is missing. Is the software on the drive out of date? I didn't see any way of updating the software from the menus.
    Last edited by danweber; 08-21-2015, 10:32 AM.

  • #2
    What model TiVo is this?
    Been here a long time . . .


    • #3
      Tivo Series 2, Toshiba branded.

      I did a complete reset, which took over an hour to clear the drive (given the new size I'm not surprised), and walked through installation again. Still no option to set up a digital cable box, like I had before on this unit.

      It's currently downloading the TV schedule; once that finishes I might try changing to "no cable box" just to see what it does.
      Last edited by danweber; 08-21-2015, 10:56 AM.


      • #4
        Okay, I redid set up, and told the Tivo I just have cable, without a cable box, and it shows what the cable box is outputting if I switch to channel 4 (which is where I happen to have toggled the cable box during my attempt to get things working). So the hardware is definitely capable of picking up the signal, but the IR-switching component of the software is somehow gone.


        • #5
          You are choosing "cable, with a box"?

          Why use RF? Try composite cables from the cable box to the TiVo. Much better picture quality.

          Are you toggling through the inputs on the screen that asks about those?
          Been here a long time . . .


          • #6
            You are choosing "cable, with a box"?

            If I choose that I get no picture at all. I currently have a picture because I said I did not have one.

            Try composite cables from the cable box to the TiVo

            The cable box only has two outputs: HDMI and RF. This TV does not have HDMI. I could try bouncing the RF through a VCR to change it into composite.

            Are you toggling through the inputs on the screen that asks about those?

            I have not seen those setup screens on the Tivo since putting in the new hard drive.

            Checking on "System Information" the Software Version is 9.3.2b-01-2-264.

            When I try to set up the IR blaster, it tells me to go to "Messages & Settings" > "Settings" > "Channels" > "Channel Changing." But "Channel Changing" is not an option there.


            • #7
              I think you need to choose "cable with a box" and then you should get a screen asking how that box is connected. You may have to specify RF there.
              Been here a long time . . .


              • #8
                I have a theory that the software was out-of-date; according to Tivo, "your TiVo media device will receive the update on the second successful connection after Guided Setup completes." I've probably never gotten that far.

                I forced another network connection. The download is done, but it is taking a LONG time at the "loading, 99%" stage. I'm hoping that's because it's prepping the new software version.


                • #9
                  I think 9.3.2 is the latest . . .
                  Been here a long time . . .


                  • #10
                    Upgraded. The old version was "9.3.2b-01-2-264." Now the version is "9.3.2c-01-2-264." So "b" -> "c".

                    Ah, the menu has changed. Under "Video Settings" I no longer have "Video Source" but instead "Video Smoothing." Under "Settings" > "Channel Settings" I still don't see anything for changing channels. And going through guided setup, choosing "cable TV with a box" I still don't get prompted about where the Tivo is looking for input.

                    My background ends up all black and I get nothing on any Tivo channel. The Tivo says "Searching for signal on: Cable Box In." I don't know what HW or SW interface that is.

                    In the meantime I am going to have it call home several more times to see if there are any more software upgrades in the pipe. Is there a list of "most current versions" out there?


                    • #11
                      I don't know of any such list. Sorry.

                      But I don't think these small version updates will change what you're looking for.

                      Sorry, but I don't have any other ideas.
                      Been here a long time . . .


                      • #12
                        Okay, bizarre. I routed through an old VCR, basically using it as a RF -> composite converter. I didn't get anything. But if I said "yes, I do see a picture," then it guided me through the IR blaster. And suddenly the picture showed up! Totally bizarre.

                        I switched the VCR out, going straight back to RF, and the same thing happened (after a half-hour set-up): a blank screen when the Tivo says "do you see any video?", and if I lie and say I do see video, suddenly a picture shows up.

                        I'm fighting with the IR blaster now but I'm 95% of the way there.


                        • #13
                          That is very strange. I can't imagine why it routes the video correctly on the next page. But I'm obviously glad to hear you figured it out!
                          Been here a long time . . .


                          • #14
                            And for the record (because someone might google their way to this thread looking for version numbers) there were no more versions to download.

