My father's Series 3 got strange on him the other night, the video got choppy, then disappeared, then audio, then it ultimately rebooted itself. It's hard to get exact symptoms as he's 83. On the phone I got him to turn the TV on and the screen was dark but he got the guide to pop up. Then changed channels and got some channels and it seemed working but sluggish. I'm not sure if his antenna is damaged or hard drive issue. I'm doing a Kickstart on my own S3 just to see what it does. Short, conveyance and extended (90 minutes) passed, now it's on "off-line scan" for 128 minutes. Do these just report errors or do they fix them? Do they report damage or just give a pass/fail? Anything else I should be looking for when I go to look at it?
My father's Series 3 got strange on him the other night, the video got choppy, then disappeared, then audio, then it ultimately rebooted itself. It's hard to get exact symptoms as he's 83. On the phone I got him to turn the TV on and the screen was dark but he got the guide to pop up. Then changed channels and got some channels and it seemed working but sluggish. I'm not sure if his antenna is damaged or hard drive issue. I'm doing a Kickstart on my own S3 just to see what it does. Short, conveyance and extended (90 minutes) passed, now it's on "off-line scan" for 128 minutes. Do these just report errors or do they fix them? Do they report damage or just give a pass/fail? Anything else I should be looking for when I go to look at it?