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Two Roamio OTA same location but different channel availability and strength

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  • Two Roamio OTA same location but different channel availability and strength

    I have a Roamio OTA at my parents place. They only get 1 channel (7-1) with a channel strength of 35. I changed their directional antenna to one that is non-directional (forgot the term) and the signal strength increased to about 61. But they still only get one channel (7-1). TIvo support had me "repeat guided setup" but that didn't do anything.

    So I brought my own RoamioOTA to my parent's place and I went through the "repeat guided setup". I was able to get more basic channels (5, 7, 9, 11, 13) but not (2, and 4 for some reason) and my signal strength for 7-1 went up to 90.

    My question is...if location and antenna is all the same and the settings supposely are the same.....why such a big difference between the two Roamio OTA boxes?

    Thank you!

  • #2
    Sounds like a failing tuner in your parents' OTA. Unfortunately, that cannot be repaired.
    Been here a long time . . .


    • #3
      i see. thank you for the answer. that'll save me hours of pulling my hair trying to figure it out.

