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Access Tivo Recordings Directly Off of Hard Drive?

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  • Access Tivo Recordings Directly Off of Hard Drive?


    Is there a way to extract recorded items directly off of a previously installed Tivo hard drive with a Mac (or Windows XP running on a Mac)? Here is the rest of the story...

    I have a new Tivo formatted hard drive (from Weaknees) to install into my Series 3 HD unit, but we can't seem to catch up with the currently recorded items to make the transition. I also have Roxio's Toast (Mac version) and can access most of the programs via my home network. However, my cable provider is Cox Communications and many of those recordings are encrypted as an agreement with Tivo. I can certainly mount the old hard drive in one of my Macs and experiment with a host of video conversion software that I have, but wanted to do a little advanced research first.

    “Technological change is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.” (Albert Einstein, 1941),
    Dr. Z.

  • #2
    Take a look a the TiVo Desktop software, available at TiVo's website.


    • #3
      Tivo Desktop (at least the Mac version) only allows one to send media to the Tivo, not extract it. Roxio's Toast does allow this, but most of the items are encrypted as i mentioned before, making this software useless for the task.

      So, back to my original question. Anyone? Anyone?

      More microchips than sense,
      Dr. Z.


      • #4
        HD content often has copyright flags. It's not an issue of encryption, it's an issue of what the content provider permits you to do with the HD content.

