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HR10-250 OTA Reception Help

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  • HR10-250 OTA Reception Help

    I have three HR10-250s and have just recently started to use the OTA connections to get my locals in HD. As a side note, OMG the picture coming off the antenna is amazing -- so great without the MPEG4 compression off the satellite... But I digress.

    Anyway, my question is about signal strength and the OTA receiver in the HR10. We live quite a ways, and just out of the line of site from, the local channels. But with much effort, more than a little time on a ladder, and no small expense, I have put up a top-of-the-line HD antenna on a mount over 30' in the air, and I get good signal strength from all the relevant channels.

    However, the signal isn't great on all channels. I get some better than others (of course, it is an antenna), but my issue is with the HR10. If I connect the antenna signal directly into the Sony TV, I get something like 23 digital channels, all but the most distant with 100% quality and rarely a blip/pixellation/stutter to the picture.

    If I connect this same line to the HR10, I get only about 10 channels, only those with the strongest signals, and even some of those stutter/pixellate/pause randomly (seemingly based on some kinds of weather problem). This is most frustrating to watch, and worse to discover the next day when you watch a TiVo'ed show that had this problem. And worse yet, several channels I love just don't come in at all on the HR10, but I'm sitting here today watching one of those right off the TV tuner just fine.

    Anyone have ideas/suggestions on what I can/should do to resolve this? Does the HR10 just have a lousy OTA tuner? My multiswitch already has an OTA amplifier (which I have cranked all the way up), so I'm not sure what to do? Suggestions?

  • #2
    Can you tell us what experiements you've tried? How does the HR10 perform with less amplification, for example. (strange question, I realize) And of those 23 channels, how many are redundant broadcasts?
    That's all there is to it!


    • #3
      Well, the "less amplification" is a problem... the multiswitch is way up in the attic, a long trek across ceiling joists and crawling through insulation. I guess I could try, but to play with it... ugh.

      I've tried to isolate time of day issues, seems like I get worse reception at night. That doesn't help much does it?

      I have three HD sets, two with tuners (both Sony). The two with their own tuners behave this way (get great reception) compared to the HR10.

      I have a signal meter for the antenna and it shows not much difference (maybe 5-10%) between the ones I get and the ones I don't on the HR10, so I must be pretty close.

      Not sure what you mean by "redundant broadcasts"?

