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Series 2 (TCD140060) audio/video sync issue

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  • Series 2 (TCD140060) audio/video sync issue

    First off, "Hello." I'm new here, but not new to forums, so I apologize if my Googling and searching on here has missed the obvious answer to this question.

    As the title says, I'm having audio/video sync issues with my TiVo s2 (TCD140060). The problems actually started a few years back (coax to TiVo -> coax to TV) and got so bad that I actually put the TiVo in a box and made do with Comcast's DVR. I've recently dug it back out so I can transfer programs from my newly acquired TiVoHD hooked up in the family room to the s2 in my bedroom.

    I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you haven't heard described before, but for the sake of clarity: the audio will slowly get more and more out of snyc with the video until it gets so bad that the TiVo pauses for a second or two and corrects itself, only to start the process all over again. This, coupled with the nasty noises coming from the unit lead me to replace the HDD hoping to solve my issue. The noises are gone (except for a *really* loud fan), but the sync issue remains. FWIW, the cabling now is coax to Pace DTA -> coax to TiVo -> composite to TV (Samsung LN32B360).



  • #2
    To clarify, the Samsung is a recent purchase. When the issue first started, I was using an old RCA CRT.

    And I do have a really bad ground loop issue coming through the coax thanks to Comcast not installing a ground block. I'm working on that, but the issues started at a different house, so I'm not convinced that's contributing to my problem.


    • #3
      This doesn't sound like a drive issue to me. I think it is more likely an issue with the TiVo motherboard itself, assuming that the problem is not the same every time you play back the same show.

      If it is the TiVo, you might consider this:

      Flat-Fee TiVo Repairs


      • #4
        I notice it more on live TV (but likely only because I watch live TV more than recorded on this box), but to more directly answer your question, no it's not the same (that is, it doesn't seem to have been "recorded" in).

        Do you guys just sell a MoBo? I'm fairly handy.

