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SD-DVR40 Fan Specs

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  • SD-DVR40 Fan Specs

    Does anyone know the maximum fan power rating an SD-DVR40 can handle? Mine is still on its original fan (~6.5 years old), which is still spinning, but recently started growling angrily.

    I was hoping to go to Fry's or Radio Shack and pick up a replacement ASAP (like hopefully before Sunday night), but the only info I could pull off the label was:

    JMC model 7025-12LS / H9012048-0001
    12VDC, 0.15A
    70mm x 70mm x 25mm (raised grill model)

    Nothing about power (or speed, for that matter), and none of JMC's drawings were an exact match for the rated current, so I can't figure out if the one in my unit is a standard or custom model:

    Any help would be much appreciated!

  • #2
    I really don't know, but I will say that TiVos generally use non-standard fan connections. Your unit has a two-pin connection, and my guess is that the ones available locally are three-pin.

    We have the correct replacements here:
    Been here a long time . . .

