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Just want to use the DVD player/recorder

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  • Just want to use the DVD player/recorder

    I have a non-functioning Toshiba Tivo RX-TS20 Series 2 that I've had sitting in the basement for about 2 yrs. I can't remember the exact symptoms, but I think it was an error screen and I recall doing some Web searches at the time and coming to the conclusion I probably needed new hard drive. But then I ended up leasing an HD converter with DVR from my cable co so packed the Tivo into storage. However, my Denon DVD player recently died on me so now I'm considering trying to repair my Tivo so I can use it as a DVD player. I also have some old VHS that I would love to burn onto DVD. Do you think my Tivo is worth trying to save just so I can use it to play DVDs (assuming it just needs a new hard drive)? Sidenote: I powered it up the other day and the DVD drive would not even open when I hit the eject button. I didn't do any further trouble shooting on it b/c I don't have a landline anymore. If I get it fixed, I'll have to go to a friend's house with a landline to go thru the set-up again.

  • #2
    Your unit will work without the TiVo service, but DVD players are pretty inexpensive these days.


    • #3
      Probably stupid question, but will the DVD player work if the hard drive is broken? Why won't my DVD drive open when I push the eject button? I know the manual says I have to go thru the setup process b/4 I can use the DVD player, but will setup work w/o a working hard drive?


      • #4
        No; DVD won't work if the unit doesn't boot. I can't tell you why it was engineered that way, but that is the way it is.

