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Upgraded Hughes Tivo SD-DVR120 stuck on Powering Up

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  • Upgraded Hughes Tivo SD-DVR120 stuck on Powering Up

    We upgraded our Hughes Tivo SD-DVR120 via WeaKnees to a larger hard drive last year about this time (actually, almost a year to the day!) and tonight we turned over to it and found it stuck on Powering Up. It never progresses past this grey screen even if we unplug it and let it sit for awhile and then repower it on. I can hear the drive spinning for a bit, but that's it.

    What are our options? Assuming it's finally checked out, can we recover the hundreds of hours or programs to another DirecTivo? The drive itself is relatively new, so I imagine if something gave out, it wasn't that.

    Also, did the promised new line of HD DirecTivos that were supposedly arriving late 2009 ever materialize? If so, would our programs be transferrable to one of those?

  • #2
    That's almost definitely a hard drive problem. A "replace" kit for your model should fix the problem:

    That does seem a little soon for a drive to go out, but the symptoms so strongly suggest that's the issue. Assuming it's the drive, the odds of being able to recover your data are pretty low.

    The 2009 release date for the new HD TiVo for DirecTV has been moved to 2010.
    Last edited by WK-Michael; 12-28-2009, 10:51 AM. Reason: bad link
    Been here a long time . . .


    • #3
      I suspect it's the (very old!) hardware. I unplugged it before I went to bed in the hopes that cooling it off completely might bring it back. It had the opposite effect.

      Now it's completely dark even when plugged in, though if the receiver is turned on it makes a load repeating noise while nothing happens. Pushing/holding buttons has no effect.

      What are my service/repair options. Can I send it in for diagnosis and possible recovery? Your DirecTivo page indicates that WeaKnees must do service since you upgraded the drive. If it is recoverable data (as we would hope) but the receiver unit is dead, can it be moved to another similar device?


      • #4
        That actually sounds like a bad power supply at this point. Maybe it was just in mid-failure earlier.

        We have replacement power supplies here:

        and you can pay $49 for us to install it - that's at the bottom of that page also.
        Been here a long time . . .


        • #5
          Can I initiate a service request and have that be something you try, or do I need to order the power supply and select the installation option? What if it's not the power supply after all?

          I'm inclined to send it in just in case it's something else that requires drive recovery/replacement or there are multiple problems so you can fix whatever it may be. Just let me know how best to kick this off. I still have the original box (which is what I used to send it to you last December for the hard drive upgrade).


          • #6
            You can do it either way, but since it's likely the power supply, that's the least expensive method. Once you place the order, we'll email you the shipping information.

            Just put in the notes that if there's more of a problem, that we should bump you up to our $99 test/diagnosis/labor fee, and then we'll contact you with regard to drive issues.
            Been here a long time . . .

