I have a tivo tcd540080 and I got a 120 gig hard drive add on from dvrupgrade about 2 years ago and recently I have had trouble deleating shows in the deleate file and I called tiva and they said it was cause my drives where 2 full and the had me do a kickstart 57, but now my tivo keeps rebooting endlessly, so my mother got me instantcake or something but i need a wat to fix the image in theese 2 drives b4 i copy the info to the new 500 gig drive, can you help me with this problem, I dont want to loose my 200+ hours of tv shows, can you tell me how I can fix the 2 drives and retreve my shows and transfer every thing to the 500 gig drive I got from best buy. let me know what i can do. thanks
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need info on how to fix my tivo series 2