I just upgraded my new 80G TiVo Series 2 (TCD649080) by adding a second 300G Western Digital 6L300R0 drive from an older (TCD2400 series) TiVo I had once upgraded. TiVo does not recognize this new capacity
The silkscreen on the WD drive shows that "slave" configuration has *no* jumper installed.
I see TiVo now recommends a Seagate DB35 drive... is there a compatibility problem with the newer box? The older Western Digital drive seems to have the same specs as the Seagate. Any ideas why capacity isn't recognized?

I see TiVo now recommends a Seagate DB35 drive... is there a compatibility problem with the newer box? The older Western Digital drive seems to have the same specs as the Seagate. Any ideas why capacity isn't recognized?