Hi everyone.
Here is my deal. I have a 2 year old who loves to watch movies. Disney, shrek, shrek 2 .... She is always pulling out the dvds and scratching them. Is there a way I can buy a Tivo just for here and record all the dvds to it. We already have one for our tv. If I only plan to play back the dvds, which tivo should I get? I don't want to spend alot of money. Should I buy used and replace the hard drive. I would like to use the same remote I already have, it has a 1/2 slider switch. How would I label the movies once on Tivo. I am computer savy and can open up a tivo to hack it. Any help would be great.
Here is my deal. I have a 2 year old who loves to watch movies. Disney, shrek, shrek 2 .... She is always pulling out the dvds and scratching them. Is there a way I can buy a Tivo just for here and record all the dvds to it. We already have one for our tv. If I only plan to play back the dvds, which tivo should I get? I don't want to spend alot of money. Should I buy used and replace the hard drive. I would like to use the same remote I already have, it has a 1/2 slider switch. How would I label the movies once on Tivo. I am computer savy and can open up a tivo to hack it. Any help would be great.