March 9th is quickly approaching. 6.3f has yet to appear. And after it appears several to many weeks will be required before I will allow it to be loaded on my Series 2 DTivos.
I have three WeaKnees DB35s. Two with 6.2-01-2-381 and one with 6.3e. Why did you use 6.2 for "Prep a Replacement "A" Drive" instead of 6.2a which you used to "Prep a Single Add-On Drive" which I mistakenly ordered?
Can you "Prep a Replacement "A" Drive" to 6.2a if I need to go that route? Which I will do around the middle of February.
With DirecTV since 1999. I now hate DirecTV thanks to 6.3e.
I have three WeaKnees DB35s. Two with 6.2-01-2-381 and one with 6.3e. Why did you use 6.2 for "Prep a Replacement "A" Drive" instead of 6.2a which you used to "Prep a Single Add-On Drive" which I mistakenly ordered?
Can you "Prep a Replacement "A" Drive" to 6.2a if I need to go that route? Which I will do around the middle of February.
With DirecTV since 1999. I now hate DirecTV thanks to 6.3e.