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Dtv R10 Line One May Be Going Out.

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  • Dtv R10 Line One May Be Going Out.

    My Directv DVR r10 started acting screwy last weekend, I made risers thinking it was overheating and it was fine until today. Exactly a week later.

    The problems from last week aren't back, something much worse in my eyes. The line 1 seems to be going out, I came to this conclusion after a hour of switching the two cables around, and even bringing in a cable from a different Directv dish and connecting it to line 1. Line 2 works fine and dandy.

    The prior week it had a recording issue, instead of recording the bama game it was recording blank screen. Really just seemed like overheating to me. It never occurred again, to this second. It is recording my PARTIAL signal atm.

    Is a new tivo in order, or is there anyway to fix this?

  • #2
    Have you tried pressing the red button? There's a little red button inside the access door on that unit that often helps with SAT issues.
    Been here a long time . . .


    • #3
      Yup, quite a lot actually.

      It somehow magicly fixed itself last night, that screams overheating to me. I just now opened it up and used my air compressor to clean out the dust...which wasn't much really. The case fan and hd bracket fan had more dust, caked on the blades.

      It's just acting all screwy.

      I am looking at my signal strength, and line 1 is 0 and 2 peaks at 88.... crap...this all over again.
      Last edited by darkadian; 11-11-2007, 12:55 PM. Reason: Sudden Events


      • #4
        Sounds like it's really bad. You can email us if you want to look at a tuner repair, or we have replacement units here:

        Or you can just use one tuner, but it's tough when the bad one is SAT 1.
        Been here a long time . . .

