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tivo rebooting problem

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  • tivo rebooting problem

    Friday, my tivo downloaded the new series 2 upgrade (9.something). I wasn't home while it loaded. I got back, the status page said it was awaiting a restart.

    Things were recording, so I left it alone. After recording was done, I was getting ready to reboot when tivo rebooted itself.

    It displayed the screen about it taking about an hour. I tried to stay awake, but it was 2amish and I fell asleep.

    When I awoke, I found Tivo cycling between the power up screen and the screen where it says it is nearly up and to wait a few minutes.

    After watching that happen a half dozen or more times, I cycled the power. The same thing occurred. I turned off the power for 15 minutes, tried again - same thing.

    I unplugged the thing from the wall, and left it sit for 3 hours. Tried again - same thing. I unplugged from the wall, and left it sit for 14 hrs - tried again. Same thing. I tried off and on for another 12 or more hrs.

    Does anyone have any ideas on what else to try? I don't have a lot of hardware skills and no spare equipment around to plug drives into other machines to run software, etc. . But I can't love without my tivo!

  • #2
    Basically, you've likely got a bad hard drive. The TiVo wrote the new version of the OS to the alternate boot partition, and that one seems to be having problems. So it can't boot, and thus you're stuck in the rebooting cycle.

    Best bet is to get a replace kit for your model:
    Been here a long time . . .


    • #3
      I have the exact same problem. I ordered a new drive from weaknees and just installed it. Still rebooting constantly. The tivo is at least getting an IP address, I can see that in my router's logs. But it does not boot all the way.

      I removed the cable cards, no change. Reinserted them, no change. Disconnected the cable, no change.

      Is there anything else I should try?


      • #4
        If you've got a Series3, see the info here:

        That's helped resolved this issue a bunch of times, but only applies to units with CableCARDs.
        Been here a long time . . .

