I have all the classic problems of a 'dead drive'... won't boot up all the way, get the DirectTV screen, can't watch live TV, but can watch my recordings. So, do I need to replace my hard drive, or is it something else?
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Dead Drive, or ??
I have a similar problem with one of my DirecTV Phillips 704 units.
Last week, one unit would reboot (seemingly at random) and then continue fine.
Yesterday, the picture began to freeze/skip/play/freeze, etc. while watching live TV.
I opened the case and found the worst case of dust (I bought it used a year ago) that I have seen. I blew it out (NO vacuum) and tried it again. Same problem.
Since I have the original drive from my other 704 (which I upgraded with a WK kit a year ago,) I figured I would try the old drive in the uncooperative unit.
Live TV is fine, but gave an error screen when attempting to record that said a hardware problem is preventing recording or watching recorded programs.
What do you think?Last edited by TheOtherChris; 10-06-2007, 09:54 AM.