Hi - this may be long but please bear with me. We have had DirectTV for 8+ years and almost 3 years in current home.
We have a DirectTV R10 in bedroom and knock on wodd that one is working fine.
In my tv room, we have a DirectTV HD Receiver taht is almost 3 yaers ld and another TIVO R10.
TIVO R10 died Friday(powering up screen thing - did all the unplugging, resetting, powering down, etc). Called DirectTV and they said they would send a replacement - one of their DVR's for free - with no contract change - via FedEx. So #1, after reading about how bad the DTV DVR's are, I want to contact weaKneess about getting a new R10 or sending existing one in for repair.
We then asked DTV about problem with getting HD channels. We have been paying $9.99 a month for some time and only get a few (non-local) HD CHannels and my husband has been asking about HD ESPN.
DTV said we had to get a new receiver to get all the HD channels & a new dish. We cold get for $99 plus tax but we have to commit for an additional 2 years.
We spent a ton of $ when we moved into this house to have an A/V tech do all our wiring & getting everything the way we like it. I am concerned about whoever they send out messing something up as they said they will only do basic install of dish & receiver.
I am really ok with not getting all the additional HD channels and would prefer to wait as long as possible to change the dish & receiver.
So bottom line - my questions are:
1. Can I tell DirectTV i want a TIVO DVR only as a replacement for my R10?
If they say no, should I take the free one they are sending as a backup or if we want to add a 3rd receiver at some time and get a new R10 from Weaknees and/or have current one repaired. I am thinking we should have the R10 in master upgraded soon too.
2. Should we just keep our H10 HD receiver for now & forego additional HD channels until DTV has a better product out. I really don't want a 2 year commitment as it is very possible we will move or may get alternate services in our area.
3. Is there something available from Weaknees that is satellite DTV capable for HD receiver?
Any insight/suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks much.