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Took the plunge into HD.. What is the best option?

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  • Took the plunge into HD.. What is the best option?

    Hi - I'm a long-time Tivo and Weaknees fan - I've got 5 Tivos, all upgraded, and just decided to take the HD plunge..

    I'm not particularly happy with my cable or OTA options for HD, so I'm wondering what my options for HD Tivos for Satellite are.. In my perfect world, there'd be a way to record from HDMI or component, but I dont think that's possible... right??

    So, my questions are what options are there for satellite that I should really consider? I'm not anxious to lose my home networking and go with a non-Tivo recorder on my ONE HD set.. Is that my only option?

    If I buy a refurb DTV Tivo, does it participate on the home networking?


  • #2
    Have you looked at the HD TiVos for cable and antenna? To us, those are really the best DVRs ever.

    The satellite ones that we have are the DirecTV HR20 units. While they work well and we have them upgraded, we really think the TiVo OS units for cable are superior.

    No DVR we've seen will record HD from HDMI or component - all record from the raw programming source.
    Been here a long time . . .

