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Choices, Choices, Choices!!!

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  • Choices, Choices, Choices!!!

    I just got a wonderful 46" Samsung 1080i LCD tv and I want to have what I need to enjoy the best quality picture, but without breaking the bank.

    I'm looking at the HD TiVo's and I just can't decide which one to get. Does THX really matter and if so, why? I haven't bought a surround sound system yet, but will want to at some point. I also intend to buy a new HD dvd player. If you can tell me which one I need to get of those while you are at it, that would be good, or send me to another website that compares them and gives a recommendation.

    The other thing to consider is that currently I have a TiVo that has a dvd burner and because of that I keep several shows on it until I can burn them so I need a good amount of storage.

    Any thoughts and suggestions you can give would be greatly appreciated!!!

  • #2
    To be honest, you'll probably get pretty much the same picture from either the TiVo Series3 or TiVoHD. The sound might be a little better on the Series3, but picture-wise, both should be identical using the HDMI connection. We haven't heard reports of any noticeable differences. So get either - they're both great!

    I can't say I have a lot of knowledge of the HD DVD world - sorry.
    Been here a long time . . .

