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Tivo vs. Comcast

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  • Tivo vs. Comcast

    I am currently a Directv HD subscriber disturbed by the parting of the ways between Tivo and Directv. I had also tried Comcast with their HD DVR service and threw them out before a week was up (HW installation/repair problems plus they lied about the charges when I signed up). It seems clear though that at some point my HR10-250 is going to either die or Directv will make it obsolete. If I want to stay with Tivo is there a way I can get the HD channels from Comcast without their DVR service? What are the pros and cons?


  • #2
    Yes, you can absolutely get great HD from Comcast, into TiVo hardware. See the HD TiVo for cable page on our site.

    These units just use CableCARDs from Comcast, and no other Comcast hardware. They're integrated units like the HR10-250 is, meaning you don't need to have a DVR controlling a separate cable box. They're really the cream of the crop.
    Been here a long time . . .

