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Help in finding HD DVR DVD Burner

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  • Help in finding HD DVR DVD Burner

    Hi, I currently have two TIVOs. A basic 80 hour one and a Humax DVD one. We have been using basic cable because I could take that directly into the TIVO box, which could change the channels directly without fooling with that pesky IR changer ;<)

    We are getting an HD TV now and will have to go with digital cable to get HD content. My ideal DVR would record HD, burn HD DVDs, have a high storage capacity and be able to change the channel directly.

    Oh yes - and dual tuners would be nice too! Might as well dream big.

    Any suggestions? This is primarily for my wife and she is definitely a techno-phobe. So user-friendly is a must!

    Thanks for your suggestions -- Sam
    Last edited by samueltwilson; 09-08-2007, 03:24 PM.

  • #2
    I really think you are a bit ahead of the times. The ability to burn HD TV to DVD is pretty tough given content restrictions, as well as the state of the technology. An HD DVD burner with a built-in DVR may come in the future, but that time is not yet least not to my knowledge.

    And I'd have to say that even if such a thing did exist, it would not be like using a TiVo.


    • #3
      What would you recommend?

      I'm open to all possibilities, not just TiVo. I just happen to have TiVo right now. What would you recommend, based on my wish list?


      • #4
        I really don't know that an HD DVD burner exists in any area at this point. I'd like one also, but I just don't think manufacturers are selling them yet.
        Been here a long time . . .

