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Pioneer Tivo Dilemma!

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  • Pioneer Tivo Dilemma!

    Hey guys,

    I've been a faithful follower of these forums for some time now and I was hoping I could get a consensus and some advice. My dilemma is as follows:

    I've been with tivo since 2002 with an svr-2000 monthly and then a pioneer tivo burner with a lifetime contract. Well, yesterday my tivo locked up on the powering up screen and began making a clicking noise. I suspected a faulty hard drive based on what I've read on the forums so I contacted tivo.

    They said they couldn't do anything for me unless I first spoke with pioneer. So after spending an hour on the phone with tivo, I called Pioneer and spent another 45 minutes with them on the phone. They said they only thing they could do was fix it for a flat rate of $400.

    I called tivo again and informed them of this. They agreed that after I orignally purchased the pioneer for $1000, it was expensive to spend another $400 to have it fixed. After speaking with the customer sales rep for about 30 mins he spoke to a supervisor and offered to transfer my service to a series 2 if I purchased one from anywhere. I told him that I'd rather have a series 3 as I currently have a highdef tv with a cable card. He said they couldn't transfer lifetime to series 3. He then spoke to a supervisor again and she said they would allow me to transfer my lifetime for free if I purchased the $800 tivo.

    So here are my choices:
    1) put in a new hard drive myself (approx $100) and sell my pioneer with lifetime on ebay, buy a series 3 hd ($299) and pay monthly

    2) buy a series 2 for $100, transfer my lifetime for free, sell if on ebay (maybe $400) and buy a series 3hd and pay monthly

    3) buy a series 3 ($799) and get free lifetime

    So what do you guys think, I'd prefer to end up with a series 3 hd and spend as little as possible. Any other choices would be appreciated!


  • #2
    There is another option, a very inexpensive refurb Humax, which is still eligible for lifetime service for $299, see:

    Also, if you want an HD unit and have a lifetime box, the service on the second unit is much less the $500 you'd save by getting a TiVo HD rather than the Series3 is certainly going to take you a long way, assuming you fix your Pioneer.

