A friend want to get his daughter a TiVo for Christmas. He saw a deal for a free box (series 2, single tuner) after rebate. He already has a box with lifetime service. Given that, what's his best option? I told him to go to WK, but I don't even see the single tuner box available here. Do you have it?
Can he get the 'free' deal with a multi-service agreement? or with a 3 year prepaid contract at $299? TiVo doesn't have them in stock and they link to Amazon, where it's $220 with a $220 rebate (and lots of small print).
Can you help him out?
Can he get the 'free' deal with a multi-service agreement? or with a 3 year prepaid contract at $299? TiVo doesn't have them in stock and they link to Amazon, where it's $220 with a $220 rebate (and lots of small print).
Can you help him out?