I have an HD TIVO which was working perfectly with my network. I disconnected the network for carpet installation. when I reconnected the network router my TIVO # 1 would not connect. My HD TIVO #2 which is 4 ft from #1 connects without any problems. I have done all of the recommended troubleshooting and still no connection. The network stats show an IP address but no DNS addresses. I have tried a static IP address and putting my DNS addresses and still get the cable unpluged error. I switched network adapters between machines and then adapter cables. #2 connects fine but #1 will not.
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I get error N27 cable unpluged
I am very interested in the outcome if you come up with a solution. I just started having the exact same problem with my Tivo HD for no obvious reason. I also have two tivos just a few feet away with one workign fine and the Tivo HD unable to connect to the network. I also tried rebooting several times to no avail.
This happened to me just a few days ago. I have been connected via Ethernet and suddenly Tivo complained it could no longer connect to the network. I get the N27 Network Cable Unplugged error. I've rebooted the Tivo, I've jiggled the cable in the Tivo ethernet port - nothing. It's not the cable, since I can use the cable to connect my laptop to my router without any difficulty. Also, I tried a new cable, with no luck. I'm worried the Ethernet port somehow got fried?
Here are the reports that I've found for people describing similar problems:
http://tivocommunity.com/tivo-vb/sho...d.php?t=433247 -- very strange report of a Tivo HD that somehow "eats" Ethernet cables. Doesn't seem to be the case here as switching cables didn't help.
http://support.tivo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/400 -- the official Tivo support page about the N27 error. Unfortunately, not helpful.
http://www.wkforums.com/forums/showt...able+unplugged -- this is a report of someone having trouble with wireless, but somehow he gets the message "cable unplugged". Possibly related? But no answers in the thread.
http://forums.tivo.com/pe/action/for...ie=x#e10335980 -- another wireless user who gets the message "cable unplugged"... could I be interpreting this error message too literally? Does it just show up whenever there is a network problem, whether or not a cable is actually involved?
http://forums.tivo.com/pe/action/for...ie=x#e10335980 -- another strange appearance of N27.
Can anyone help?
Huh. Right after posting that, I tried a third Ethernet cable, just for kicks. Lo and behold, when I plugged this cable into the back panel of the Tivo, the connection light (right next to the Ethernet port) lit up, and I had my network connectivity back again! So strange.
I wondered if this was somehow just coincidence, and that the problem was an intermittent problem with the Tivo unit. So I tried both of the first two cables. No connection. I plugged in the third cable again: connection restored.
So strange. This is consistent with the first link I put in my above post (the report of a Tivo "eating" Ethernet cables).
How strange!!