I have a series 3 HD Tivo and I am now on my 2nd AV 1TB Harddrive from Western Digital looking for a 3rd. Tivo was in constant reboot mode so I pulled the HD and replaced it with the orginal 160GB and it works fine. The 1TB's seem to work fine for 6 mos then they die. Is the power supply working harder to power the bigger drive thereby creating more heat and HD failure? Using windows and the WD diag tool, I did a "quick" diagonstic on this last HD and it tested fine. I did not do the 4hr test. I tried using kickstart with the 1TB but couldn't even get Tivo to that level before reboot. Wondered if this was a heat issue so I've considered putting a laptop cooler under my Tivo to see if that would help. Swaping locations, cabinet fans seem to effect the performance of Tivo. I'm now convinced Tivo belongs outside of any cabinet. Do I need a new PS and HD? Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.