We only have 20-30 hours of material recorded - everything is on basic quality - and no "suggestions" recorded.
However, whenever we record something new, we get the message "the following programs may be erased" or erased early or whatever the message says exactly.
I have a horrible feeling that perhaps the disk is on its way out, and there are a horde of bad sectors. Dunno why, but I just have that feeling.
Don't remember any pixelation or pausing (which I believe I remember are symptoms of bad disks on other tivos i've owned), but what else might be causing this? Any way I can see my disk space usage?
However, whenever we record something new, we get the message "the following programs may be erased" or erased early or whatever the message says exactly.
I have a horrible feeling that perhaps the disk is on its way out, and there are a horde of bad sectors. Dunno why, but I just have that feeling.
Don't remember any pixelation or pausing (which I believe I remember are symptoms of bad disks on other tivos i've owned), but what else might be causing this? Any way I can see my disk space usage?