Our cable company (Comcast) install 2 CableCards in our Series3 Tivo. I'm not sure whether our problem has been since initial setup, or whether it started a few weeks after. Here's the deal: We can flip back and forth between tuners on the tivo just fine UNTIL we start recording a program. Once the recorder kicks in, only that channel is recorded, and the other tuner comes up with a grey screen. Even after the program has finished recording, the second tuner remains grey until I go through setup again.
It doesn't matter which tuner does the recording, the other one always goes grey.
I thought I should be able to channel surf on one tuner while recording on the other tuner, or record on two tuners at the same time. Am I misinterpreting this? If I am correct about that, does anyone have any advice or experience with this problem?
It doesn't matter which tuner does the recording, the other one always goes grey.
I thought I should be able to channel surf on one tuner while recording on the other tuner, or record on two tuners at the same time. Am I misinterpreting this? If I am correct about that, does anyone have any advice or experience with this problem?