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Direct Tv R10 Tivo Fail to Connect

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  • Direct Tv R10 Tivo Fail to Connect

    I keep getting error message that my dtv tivo hasn't been able to make daily call since 12/1/07. I noticed that on my phone bill there are several charges to the phone number that it reports to since it is long distance. I assume that the modem might still be working, do you have any suggestions? Thanks

  • #2
    Try turning off dial tone and phone avail detection and listening in on the line to see what you hear.


    • #3
      What do you think of this?

      I followed your suggestion and what I heard was the numbers being dialed and then I heard a couple of beeps on the other end of the line and then in 5 seconds or so the line seemed to go dead. I tried that method on two or three of the numbers on the list. Same response each time. Thanks in advance for your help....


      • #4
        Have you tried just dialing one of those numbers from your regular phone?
        Been here a long time . . .


        • #5
          I called some of the numbers directly and they all seemed to respond the same. It was a quick, almost faxlike sound, followed by a beep. Then in a few seconds the line seemed to go dead. The same thing that I heard when the tivo was calling out.


          • #6
            So when you force a call from your TiVo, what error message do you get on the TiVo?


            • #7
              Phone Connection Unsuccessful. Could not Connect.


              • #8
                OK - try building in a number in a different area code. That sounds wrong on all counts. Something may be up with your local POP.
                Been here a long time . . .


                • #9
                  That seemed to work. I usually use area code 605 so I went to area code 308 and the first number on the list worked. I got the same sounds at the beginning and then the regular fax squeal followed and it tested and then downloaded successfully. I got a message that it will call again on 2/2/08 so I think everything is good, Thanks.

                  Should I call my phone company to fix the local problem?


                  • #10
                    My guess is that the problem isn't on your end, but at the end of the company that provides these services to TiVo (and many other customers). So I'd be willing to bet they'll resolve it soon enough, and then you can try switching back to a local number in a few weeks.
                    Been here a long time . . .


                    • #11
                      Thanks for all of your help. I had a fear that maybe DirecTV was phasing out these numbers.


                      • #12
                        Nope - they're still in use.
                        Been here a long time . . .


                        • #13
                          dial & connect

                          Sounds like the issue I had recently after upgrading with WK kit. My DSR704 could not connect to 'TiVO Central' but the phone line & modem tests were all successful.

                          The DTV tech said my modem was bad and ordered out a R15 as a replacement even though I discovered that setting my calling number to a different city resolved the issue!

                          The R15 has been placed into the spares closet & I continue to use a different city for the guide updates.


                          • #14
                            The R15 makes a good doorstop also - try to get some use out of it.
                            Been here a long time . . .


                            • #15
                              That's funny they sent me an R15 and signed me up for a 2 year contract. After finding out that the R15 or Directv plus (as customer service refures to it) does NOT compare to my tivo, I called them and told them to deactivate the R15. They were sending FedEx to pick the R15 back up, but that hasn't happened yet.(Its in the spare bedroom in a box waiting). They also wouldn't get rid of the two year contract, eventhough I had the R15 activated less than one day. Not very happy about any of that, especially since I have been a customer for over 10 years. I love my Directv Tivo. It is too bad they can't come to an agreement between the two companies.
                              Dish is advertising their DVR as being even better than Tivo, does anyone have first hand experience with that DVR? I would like to hear about it...Thanks.

