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Number of Drive mounts in a Tivo HD 20-hour

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  • Number of Drive mounts in a Tivo HD 20-hour

    Hi all,

    First post here but been using my Philips Tivo forever, and yes I did upgrade it!

    I'm about to buy a Tivo HD (in order ot use the Lifetime transfer before it goes bye-bye) but 20 hours just isn't enough. Nor am I up for spending a ton to by a bigger version, my wife is watching me closely on this.

    I wanted to know if there's room for a 2nd drive in the Tivo HD and if so, if it's as easy to do as the last upgrade I did. I haven't seen a mounting kit here so I'm dubious about the answer.



  • #2
    There is room in the unit, and potentially even a way to make it work, but nothing solid at this point.

    Frankly, with drive prices coming down always and capacities going up always, it generally makes more sense to get a larger single drive.
    Been here a long time . . .


    • #3
      Thanks Michael,

      Thing is, I have a tight budget and for now I'm pretty glued to the lowest price Tivo HD I can get, and hard drives, as you say, only get cheaper. I'd rather add it down the road. I'm amazed that there's room and (being SATA) nobody's made it work yet, curious.

      Thanks again.



      • #4
        Might happen, but TiVo hasn't really firmed up how their software will work with this configuration, so we just aren't ready to commit.
        Been here a long time . . .

