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New LCD TV reboots Series 2 Tivo

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  • New LCD TV reboots Series 2 Tivo

    Replaced a 32" CRT TV with a 46" Sharp LCD - every time I start the TV (via remote or power button) the TiVo reboots.

    I have tried separate surge protectors on 2 different outlets to no avail. Got a Belkin PF31 Power Console and plugged all my HT equipment into it- I don't even come close to tripping the circuit breaker, so I don't think it's a power issue

    A poster on another forum had same issue and had a theory on RF interference; I have moved the TiVo farther down on the tv stand - hasn't helped

    Anyone have any ideas?


  • #2
    Wow - pretty wild.

    If you unplug the TV entirely, and press the button on the Sharp remote, does the TiVo reboot?
    Been here a long time . . .


    • #3
      OK - some new info to share:

      NOT a power issue - testing with a new power console and a separate UPS for Tivo confirms it

      this is an IR thing (which I know is a problem with the HD TiVo and plasmas)

      I have finally found on other web sites many people having issues with the Sharp Aquos LCD sets - for most people it manifests itself in the cable box IR receiver

      Apparently the bulb used for the Sharp's backlight gives off a ton of IR!

      Many folks have the problems go away by adjusting the backlight (some turn it up, some down) or turning off OPC / Dynamic picture

      Even with my Tivo way down underneath the TV stand it must be picking up the initial flash when the picture comes on. The ensuing IR pulse must be triggering the "restart tivo" command. This makes sense because my TiVo restarts not right when I hit the TV power button but when the picture appears. I put some scotch tape on the TiVo IR area and turned the TV off then on and the TiVo stayed on (however this morning on a "cold boot" of the TV the clear tape didn't help)

      My next experiment will be to cover the TiVo completely while turning the TV on


      • #4
        What's interesting to me is that I don't know of a "restart TiVo" remote code. Certainly, there's no button on the remote for that. Must be a hidden code.
        Been here a long time . . .


        • #5
          Diagnosis confirmed!

          I put black electrical tape over the entire IR/display light area on the TiVo, then
          three "cold" boots on the Sharp (1 each morning) - The TiVo remians ON and running (I keep my receiver on and can hear the audio of the current TiVo station)


          Wouldnt this be the "restart command" on the TiVo:

          TiVo Central -> Messages & Settings->Restart or Reset System->Restart (press thumbs down 3x, then ENTER)

          Long term I dont know what I will do to solve this but short term I am just gonna keep the tape on the TiVo and pull it off every time.

          Thanks for listening! Now that I know the TiVo is still "good" I want to add a 2nd drive (or maybe replace since it is going on 5 yrs old)



          • #6
            Thanks for posting back.

            Originally posted by L42joe View Post
            Diagnosis confirmed!
            Wouldnt this be the "restart command" on the TiVo:

            TiVo Central -> Messages & Settings->Restart or Reset System->Restart (press thumbs down 3x, then ENTER)
            That might be the code, but could the TV be creating that whole sequence?

            You might also consider fixing the problem with our RF remote converter.
            Been here a long time . . .


            • #7
              Thanks for starting the thread. We recently got a JVC 37" LCD TV, and Tivo Series 2 has taken to frequently rebooting. We'll experiment with the IR sensor on the Tivo. However ... while our Series 2 reboots most frequently within a few minutes of the TV coming on, it also reboots pretty frequently even when the TV is off. We're talking 5-10 times per day. I don't know what to make of it.


              • #8
                more evidence of IR-based cause

                For several weeks now, we've been using a little strip of tape over the infrared remote sensor on the front of the tivo. Before we start our TV (37" JVC HD), we put the tape over the sensor. We keep it there until 30 seconds after the TV is on, showing picture, and toggled to the Tivo as input. We then flip the strip down. Tivo never reboots.

                If we don't block the sensor, or block it for less time, Tivo reboots nearly every time!

                Incredible ... but seems to be the case.

                This workaround is effective but a pain. I intend to experiment with different fabrics to cover the Tivo's sensor, to see if we can block the pulse that seems to be coming from the TV while still letting the direct signal from the remote control through to the Tivo.


                • #9
                  This is really crazy. I wonder if using an RF extender would help. You could put the TiVo in a cabinet, and use the regular remote:

                  Been here a long time . . .

